A contemporary romantic comedy set in new york city about the relationship between an older guy and his younger protege. The older guy guides the younger through a messy and hilarious love story. In any relationship one person always does the heavy lifting. Studio: Paramount Home Video Release Date: 02/13/2007 Starring: Jason Biggs Christina Ricci Run time: 109 minutes Rating: R Director: Woody AllenChristina Ricci invigorates an even-more-neurotic-than-usual variation on the classic neurotic woman in this Woody Allen movie. Comedy writer Jerry Falk (Jason Biggs,
American Pie) is madly in love with Amanda (Ricci,
The Opposite of Sex), even though they haven't had sex in six months. Falk meets an older writer named Dobel (Allen) who becomes a sort of accidental mentor, encouraging him to br! eak free of Amanda and his clinging agent (Danny DeVito). The pace is sluggish, almost every scene feels like an outtake from an earlier, better Woody Allen movie (particularly
Annie Hall), Biggs never seems comfortable with his dialogue--only Ricci makes her character her own, giving her own perverse comic spin to the proceedings. About three-fourths of the way through the movie, the story starts to feel fresher and more compelling, but by then it's too late. Also featuring Jimmy Fallon and Stockard Channing.
--Bret FetzerWOODY ALLEN FOUR MOVIE COMEDY COLLECT - DVD MovieChristina Ricci invigorates an even-more-neurotic-than-usual variation on the classic neurotic woman in this Woody Allen movie. Comedy writer Jerry Falk (Jason Biggs,
American Pie) is madly in love with Amanda (Ricci,
The Opposite of Sex), even though they haven't had sex in six months. Falk meets an older writer named Dobel (Allen) who becomes a sort of accidental mentor, encour! aging him to break free of Amanda and his clinging agent (Dann! y DeVito ). The pace is sluggish, almost every scene feels like an outtake from an earlier, better Woody Allen movie (particularly
Annie Hall), Biggs never seems comfortable with his dialogue--only Ricci makes her character her own, giving her own perverse comic spin to the proceedings. About three-fourths of the way through the movie, the story starts to feel fresher and more compelling, but by then it's too late. Also featuring Jimmy Fallon and Stockard Channing.
--Bret FetzerHOLLYWOOD ENDING - DVD MovieWith
Hollywood Ending, Woody Allen good-naturedly bites the hand that feeds him. The modern studio system is a ripe target for Allen’s rapier wit, but the veteran writer-director goes a delicious step further by playing a has-been filmmaker who suffers from psychosomatic blindness--during the production of his big-budget comeback! Rather than sabotage his career, he proceeds to direct the film with guidance from his Chinese cinematographer’s translator, tell! ing his agent (played by another veteran director, Mark Rydell) while hiding the truth from his ex-wife and producer (Téa Leoni), her studio honcho husband (Treat Williams), and his ditzy actress girlfriend (Debra Messing), who has a small role in the film. Chaos ensues--and so does Allen’s predilection for casting much-younger female costars--but
Hollywood Ending favors a more contemplative blend of comedy and drama, peppered with memorable punch lines and blessed with, yes, a Hollywood ending that’s as entertaining as the mayhem that precedes it.
--Jeff ShannonSynopsis Jason Biggs and Christina Ricci star as a mismatched couple in Woody Allen´s funny and well-made romantic comedy ANYTHING ELSE. Biggs plays Jerry Falk, a young comedy writer looking to make it big, while Ricci is Amanda, a self-absorbed free spirit whom men go wild for. They fall for each other instantly near the beginning of the film, then spend the rest of the movie trying to work out their very complex and complicated relationship, especially after her mother (Stockard Channing) moves in to their small apartment to live with them. Sinopsis Jerry Falk es un aspirante a cómico cuya carrera noparece despegar, tal y como sucedió con su amigo y mentor, el excéntrico y paranoico David. Un romántico jerry cree estar enamorado de su novia, Brooke, hasta el dÃa en que conoce a la cautivadora Amanda, , una linda pero conflictiva chica cuyas inseguridades y neurosis amenazan con hacer naufragar la naciente relación, sobre todo cuando su insufrible madre se muda con ellos. David comienza a sospechar de la fidelidad de la chica y a Jerry no le queda mas remedio que considerar la propuesta de su maestro, quien pretende huir de Nueva York con rumbo a Los Angeles, en busca de un trabajo como escritor de televisión.This DVD reveals the latest caching techniques and technology, including types of storage containers, low-cost alternatives to commercial containers, container sizes for specific weapons and preparation methods for long-term storage. It also covers methods to thwart metal detectors and sure-fire ways to recall the exact location of your cache."A fictionalized story about the life of young Booker T. Washington. Living in a West Virginia settlement after emancipation, nine-year-old Booker travels by lantern light to the salt works, where he labors from dawn till dusk. Although his stomach rumbles, his real hunger is his intense desire to learn to read.... [A] moving and inspirational story." - School Library Journal, starred reviewTwo alt! ernating stories about Melinda's attempts to straighten out her life.In
Melinda and Melinda, Will Ferrell does a fine job playing Woody Allen--or at any rate, playing the fumbling, neurotic, lascivious character who appears in almost every Woody Allen movie (and is usually played by Allen himself). Hobie (Ferrell,
Elf) is an unemployed actor who has fallen helplessly in love with Melinda (Radha Mitchell,
High Art)--or at least with one version of Melinda, because Hobie's comic story runs parallel with a more serious version of the same plot, in which Melinda falls in love with a composer (Chiwetel Ejiofor,
Dirty Pretty Things).
Melinda and Melinda is intended to be a sort of showdown between a comic and a tragic view of the world, but the comic story isn't all that funny and the tragic story isn't all that sad. You're more likely to feel annoyed by these characters than sympathetic to them, as they act more like Martians than New Yorkers; ! their responses and attitudes aren't exactly dated or implausi! ble, the y're mostly incomprehensible. The movie is still a step up from
Anything Else, Allen's last effort; there are a handful of genuinely funny moments, Chloe Sevigny (as one of Melinda's best friends) and Mitchell are particularly good, and the turns of the two-fold plot--regardless of its genre--are engaging. However, these virtues will be best appreciated by those who are already Allen fans.
--Bret Fetzer2 DISK SET - ALMOST 3 1/2 HOURS OF PAINTING PANDEMONIUM Fritz takes you every step of the way to a top quality show worthy professional custom paint job. You will see everything from making paint stands, body work, gold leafing, pinstriping, and custom paint tricks on gas tanks and fenders in fiberglass & steel. Almost 3 1/2 hours of "can't live without" information & technique. This DVD doesn't gloss over the process like others might. Fritz talks to you like your one of the guys hanging around the garage, and shows you how to get a big money look for low bucks and basic tools. We are proud to say that this DVD is for the average every day guy working at home in his spare time.