- These posters are made of heavy duty photo gloss paper with 1/2" border around the image.
- Item is shipped in VERY protective packaging.
- The size listed in the description is in inches.
- There are many other excellent items for sale! Be sure to check out the rest of my sale items.
The Author's Cut: 100 PAGES of PREVIOUSLY UNRELEASED MATERIAL. Cover by Peter Beard featuring supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio on a double-exposed Giant Polaroid, 2009 "Tom Wolfe rewrites American Gigolo." -- Kirkus Reviews "The novel is crass, entertaining, slangy, and reeking of sun bronze and the fresh turnover of fleshy delights makes the narrator's decision to become an aging roué instead of a responsible adult seem like an honest, admirable choice. Felske writes like a gigolo and treats seduction as a dirty sport." -- James Wolcott, Vanity Fair "Model Citizen: the story of a ma! n who never met a beautiful woman he didn't like." -- David Kelley, The New York Times Book Review "Favorite Novel: The Shallow Man by Coerte Felske which begins with the line 'I never met a model I didn't like.'" -- Candace Bushnell, Vogue "Coerte V.W. Felskeâs novel The Shallow Man turned the fashion world on its headâ"and introduced the term 'modelizer' into the collective consciousness." -- Detour "A Model Wordsmith." -- New York Magazine "In his first novel, The Shallow Man, Coerte V.W. Felske spins a clever tale of the narcissistic world of fashion modeling. In this comic send-up, Nick Laws is the shallow man whose every thought and word reflect his sole interest in life: boffing models. From the late-night clubs of Manhattan to the art deco bars of Miami, Nick searches for beautiful women to take to bed. Heâs so perfect, heâs hilarious. Is there a man with a soul so noble that he has not entertained this fantasy? In real life, no one could st! and around all day in his motorcycle jacket and sunglasses, pu! rring pl atitudes to curvaceous dimwits. But Nickâs relentless, self-conscious pursuit is very funny. Nick reminds us, âNever judge a book by its contents.â Certainly not this book. The Shallow Man is fun, flash, and filigree--a sexy, witty spoof of the Nineties.â â"- Digby Diehl, Playboy âShallow waters run deep. This stunning but unreflective man knows more than you think. Behind those big blank eyes and that deep tan isâ¦well, something that women find hopelessly tempting: a healthy disdain for thinking too much. Since he canât be bothered connecting the dots, he maps out the politics of the jejune with an easy straight line. Reading the quick-witted prose, one begins to think less about things and more about Thing, the Shallow Manâs tag for the women he dates: gorgeous, seemingly unattainable models. Nick Laws is like Hamlet without the mental baggage, tumbling Ophelia by Act II. Felskeâs The Shallow Man makes a case for the unexamined life.â â"- Esquire! âI may not have been the king of Generation Face,â proclaims hipster Nick Laws, in author Felskeâs first novel, âbut I was definitely one of its princes.â Nick canât get enough of âThingâ his catchphrase for models and other impossibly stunning women; his every waking moment is devoted to bedding themâ"as long as theyâre not Civilians (regular-looking women). Spiked with original Nickspeak and hilarious dialogue, Felskeâs depiction of the physically elite is so clever in its anthropological detail that we can forgive his protagonist for just about anything. Besides, The Shallow Man harbors a few glimmers of Nickâs humanity. You just have to dig to find them.â -- People âPLAYBOY CENTERFOLD DATA SHEET, 'Favorite Book: âThe Shallow Manâ by Coerte Felske. Itâs about a very shallow man and his involvements with models.'â -â"Priscilla Lee Taylor, Miss March, 1996, Playboy ----------------------- "Fear not the S! hallow Man, For all that is lost is one night." Such is t! he credo of Nick Laws, the suave party promoter who lives on the other side of the velvet ropes. Nick's world is an exclusive arena of fast-food romances, sex, and mind-boggling glamour. It's Nick Laws's obsession, and he is not in denial about it. "The Shallow Man" is his confession. Welcome to Generation Face... (The Dolce Vita Press, 2009)Top of the line posters that you won't find anywhere else!