Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Al Franken - God Spoke

  • Political satirist Al Franken follows up his best-selling book LIES AND THE LYING LIARS WHO TELL THEM with this feature film. AL FRANKEN: GOD SPOKE follows the inimitable figure over a two-year period in which he campaigns against George W. Bush's reelection and takes well-aimed swipes at a number of big political targets. Runtime: 84 minutes Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: DOCUMENTARIES
An intimate & hilarious behind-the-scenes look at the life of the former saturday night live comedian turned author radio host & political satirist. Studio: New Video Group Release Date: 04/24/2007 Run time: 84 minutesIn God Spoke, Nick Doob and Chris Hegedus (The War Room) shine a light on political satirist Al Franken. The "flaming sword of justice" explains his left-leaning career like this, "They [right-wing pundits] say something ridiculous, and then I subject them to scorn and ridicule." The ! filmmakers, longtime associates of cinéma verité pioneer DA Pennebaker, take a fly-on-the-wall approach towards Franken's activities around the time of the 2004 presidential election and afterwards as he explores a run for the US Senate in 2008. They look at the (unsuccessful) lawsuit Fox News filed against him for swiping their tagline, his involvement in the upstart Air America network, and his dust-ups with Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Michael Medved, and Bill O'Reilly, who describes him as "a vile human being." Along the way, they follow the Minnesota-born comedian on book tours and speaking engagements, occasionally flashing back to his two-decade long stint on Saturday Night Live. God Spoke is an expansion of the Sundance Channel short The First Amendment Project: Fox vs. Franken and covers some of the same ground as HBO's America Undercover: Left of the Dial. In other words, there isn't a ton of new material here, but this "fair and balanc! ed" profile represents an entertaining introduction to a multi! -talente d individual. Without Franken, it's hard to imagine a place in the world for The Daily Show and other media designed to expose "lies and the lying liars who tell them," as his 2003 bestseller would have it. --Kathleen C. Fennessy

Benchwarmers (2006) - DVD

  • Benchwarmers (2006) - DVD
"A touching story about where imaginary friends go after we’ve left them behind."

"Not only is this story wonderful because it addresses the common fears of loneliness that come with age, but also because it shows that true friendship, no matter the distance or time that separates the companions, can last a lifetime."
Melissa Dalton

A story by Mike Resnick with Lezli Robin

«He’d been sitting on the sidelines, warming the bench, waiting, for almost seventy years. The winds of Time chilled him to the bone, and all he had to keep him warm were his memories, which got a little older and a little colder each day.
He wasn’t an imposing figure. There were days he looked like Humpty Dumpty before the fall, and days he looked more like a Teddy Bear. It didn’t make any difference to him. He had never seen a m! irror, nor did he care to.
He could have chosen any name he wanted, but he stuck with Mr. Paloobi, for reasons only one other person would understand.
It happened on the last day that he was called forth from the limbo where he was born, where he existed now until he was needed again. It was a day filled with the same promise as the day before, the same exciting horizon to be approached, the same challenges, and the same goals. But there was one thing that was not the same».


Michael Diamond Resnick (born 5 March 1942), currently stands first on the Locus list of all-time award winners, living of dead, for short fiction, and 4th on the all-time list of award winners for all lengths.

Lezli Robyn is an Aussie Lass who has very recently discovered a love for writing fiction. She has sold 9 stories since October 2008 to professional markets in America, such as Asimov's and Analog; six of them appearing in p! rint before the close of 2009 to qualify for the Campbell Awar! d.

"Benchwarmer" is a novelette. 6500 words."A touching story about where imaginary friends go after we’ve left them behind."

"Not only is this story wonderful because it addresses the common fears of loneliness that come with age, but also because it shows that true friendship, no matter the distance or time that separates the companions, can last a lifetime."
Melissa Dalton

A story by Mike Resnick with Lezli Robin

«He’d been sitting on the sidelines, warming the bench, waiting, for almost seventy years. The winds of Time chilled him to the bone, and all he had to keep him warm were his memories, which got a little older and a little colder each day.
He wasn’t an imposing figure. There were days he looked like Humpty Dumpty before the fall, and days he looked more like a Teddy Bear. It didn’t make any difference to him. He had never seen a mirror, nor did he care to.
He could have chosen any name he wanted, but he stu! ck with Mr. Paloobi, for reasons only one other person would understand.
It happened on the last day that he was called forth from the limbo where he was born, where he existed now until he was needed again. It was a day filled with the same promise as the day before, the same exciting horizon to be approached, the same challenges, and the same goals. But there was one thing that was not the same».


Michael Diamond Resnick (born 5 March 1942), currently stands first on the Locus list of all-time award winners, living of dead, for short fiction, and 4th on the all-time list of award winners for all lengths.

Lezli Robyn is an Aussie Lass who has very recently discovered a love for writing fiction. She has sold 9 stories since October 2008 to professional markets in America, such as Asimov's and Analog; six of them appearing in print before the close of 2009 to qualify for the Campbell Award.

"Benchwarmer" is a novelett! e. 6500 words.When Toby Wheeler has a chance to join the junio! r high b asketball team, he’s eager to prove he can keep up with his best friend, JJ. But practice doesn’t go quite as Toby has planned, and when the coach announces the lineup, Toby’s hopes of playing ball with JJ are history: he’s an eighth-grade benchwarmer!Benchwarmer is a story about an Arkansas youngster who grows up to become a nationally recognized sports editor and the numberone authority on the Arkansas Razorback football program. It is a suspense novel with many layers built around colorful characters who weave in and out of Taylor Prescott's roller-coaster life. The main character faces many hurdles and lands a job in scenic Fayetteville, Arkansas, where he overcomes personal tragedy to witness the greatest college football game of all time between the Arkansas Razorbacks and the Texas Longhorns.What leads this intrepid reporter to the final big stage on the day of the championship game and where does he fit in with President Reagan and the crazy Cuban exile? Is i! t another practical joke from his boyhood friend Winky, and will the wicked newspaper war in Little Rock play a pivotal role in the dramatic conclusion?

Will the beloved Hogs finally win the big one for Coach Wimberly, and will Taylor's sweetheart and young son be left alone at the hospital? The Secret Service must react swiftly as the drama unfolds on national TV, bombastic broadcaster Howard Bizell at the microphone. Everyone is watching and history is being made as violence erupts in Razorback land.

Features include:

•MPAA Rating: PG-13
•Format: DVD
•Runtime: 80 minutes
Credit The Benchwarmers for achieving the impossible: It makes the 2005 remake of The Bad News Bears look like a masterpiece. They're essentially the same film, with the same lowbrow PG-13 humor (mostly involving bodily functions, broad slapstick, little people, nerds, geeks, and nose-picking), but this baseball comedy earns a few brownie po! ints for its heart-warming message about including non-athleti! c kids ( i.e. "benchwarmers") in Little League baseball, if only to boost their confidence and give them a moment of ball-field glory. It's a pleasant sentiment intended to encourage under-achievers to feel good about themselves, and that makes this loose-and-goofy vehicle for Rob Schneider, David Spade, and Napoleon Dynamite's Jon Heder an easygoing time-killer. Parents with good taste should be warned that his movie has no taste at all (it's hopelessly mired in the swamp of fart jokes and juvenile sight-gags), and is there really a need for mild profanity in a movie like this? That said, there are a few laughs in the efforts of Schneider and his ultra-nerdy pals as they form a team of rejects and go to bat against an enemy squad of current and former school-bullies, led by former late-night talk-show host Craig Kilborn. In addition to Schneider and Spade, Saturday Night Live alumni Jon Lovitz and Tim Meadows show up for an easy paycheck, and director Dennis Dugan hand! les the dumb-and-dumber shtick as if he were on vacation, sipping margaritas and shamelessly going for the easy laughs. If that's what you're looking for, you've come to the right place.--Jeff ShannonRob Schneider, David Spade, and Jon Heder star in this comedy about three guys (Schneider, Spade, Heder) who, all their lives, have been living in the shadow of bullies and are determined not to take it anymore. Now they must train with the help of Mel (Jon Lovitz) to take on the most offensive and meanest Little League teams. Also starring Craig Kilborn, Tim Meadows, Nick Swardson, and Molly Sims.

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  • The BBC drama series adapted from Mary Gaskellsic novels of small town gossip, secrets and romance. 1842. Cranford, a market town in the North West of England, is a place governed by etiquette, custom and above all, an intricate network of ladies. It seems that life has always been conducted according to their social rules, but Cranford is on the cusp of change? For spinsters Deborah Jenkyns, the
Romantic Comedy. Alex (Luke Wilson) is an author whose writer's block and gambling debts have landed him in a jam. In order to get loan sharks off his back, he must finish his novel in 30 days or wind up dead. To help him complete his manuscript he hires stenographer Emma (Kate Hudson). As Alex begins to dictate his tale of a romantic love triangle to the charming yet somewhat opinionated stenographer, Emma challenges his ideas at every turn. Her unsolicited yet intriguing input begins to inadvertent! ly influence Alex and his story and soon real life begins to imitate art.For perhaps the first time in her career, Kate Hudson doesn't just imitate the twinkle of her mother, Goldie Hawn--and proves to be a winning romantic lead in her own right. Hudson plays Emma, a stenographer hired by a desperate writer named Alex (Luke Wilson, The Royal Tenenbaums, Legally Blonde), who has to finish a book in 30 days. Of course, a tentative romance blooms between them; but as Alex begins to interweave elements of his life into the love triangle of his novel--including a suspiciously Emma-esque character named Anna--Emma wonders if the novel's sexy other woman has a real-life counterpart as well. Though Alex & Emma suffers from some bland, formulaic elements, it also features flashes of engaging wit. Hudson dampens her gleam, but because she's not working so hard to be adorable, a relaxed and more unique charm comes forth. --Bret FetzerRomantic Comedy. Alex (! Luke Wilson) is an author whose writer's block and gambling de! bts have landed him in a jam. In order to get loan sharks off his back, he must finish his novel in 30 days or wind up dead. To help him complete his manuscript he hires stenographer Emma (Kate Hudson). As Alex begins to dictate his tale of a romantic love triangle to the charming yet somewhat opinionated stenographer, Emma challenges his ideas at every turn. Her unsolicited yet intriguing input begins to inadvertently influence Alex and his story and soon real life begins to imitate art.For perhaps the first time in her career, Kate Hudson doesn't just imitate the twinkle of her mother, Goldie Hawn--and proves to be a winning romantic lead in her own right. Hudson plays Emma, a stenographer hired by a desperate writer named Alex (Luke Wilson, The Royal Tenenbaums, Legally Blonde), who has to finish a book in 30 days. Of course, a tentative romance blooms between them; but as Alex begins to interweave elements of his life into the love triangle of his novel--including ! a suspiciously Emma-esque character named Anna--Emma wonders if the novel's sexy other woman has a real-life counterpart as well. Though Alex & Emma suffers from some bland, formulaic elements, it also features flashes of engaging wit. Hudson dampens her gleam, but because she's not working so hard to be adorable, a relaxed and more unique charm comes forth. --Bret FetzerSixteen-year-old Poppy (Emma Roberts) is an LA teen diva who does what she wants, whenever she wants. But after an over-the-top prank pushes her father one step too far, she finds herself shipped off to the one place where everything will change: a British boarding school. No cell phones, no designer clothes…no way. Desperate to break free, she sets in motion the ultimate escape plan involving the head mistress’ son â€" only to discover that this could be the reason she wants to stay. Co-starring Natasha Richardson, Aidan Quinn and Nick Frost, it’s the fun and fabulous comedy that’s LO! L!Poppy is spoiled. OK, Poppy, played with snottiness galore b! y Emma R oberts, is wicked-impossible spoiled. As Wild Child opens, Poppy is having a Malibu meltdown, in the form of tossing her dad's new girlfriend's clothing into the Pacific--just past the edge of the infinity pool."This is the last straw, Poppy!" shouts her beleaguered dad (Aidan Quinn). So off Poppy goes--to boarding school. In England. Where it rains 200 days a year. If Wild Child has few plot surprises--selfish kid learns respect for others with the persistence and pluck of new friends and firm authority figures--it's still a lark, because of Roberts' considerable winsomeness, and because the dreaded England ends up showing considerable charm of its own, which draws in both Poppy and the viewer. Wild Child also marks something bittersweet, the last film performance of Natasha Richardson (who died in March 2009). Richardson is winning as the strict but warmhearted headmistress, Mrs. Kingsley, making what could be a one-dimensional cha! racter complex. Richardson is totally self-possessed and grounded, and in some shots seems to channel another great British actress, Emma Thompson. The great Scottish character actress Shirley Henderson also makes a sly appearance as the matron with the dry-as-bone-china sense of humor.

"What is this place, Hogwarts?" sneers Poppy when she arrives at the remote 18th-century school. But what happens to Poppy is in some ways even more transformative than the goings-on at Harry Potter's school. Flirtation and love hover in the air, in the form of Mrs. Kingsley's hunky son, Freddie (Alex Pettyfer); and Poppy's flair for the dramatic and her undeniable leadership skills galvanize the student body, in some unexpected ways. Roberts is becoming a delightful actress with charisma and nuance. And as the Wild Child is tamed, a lovely young woman is revealed. --A.T. HurleyRomantic Comedy. Alex (Luke Wilson) is an author whose writer's block and gambling debts have landed him! in a jam. In order to get loan sharks off his back, he must ! finish h is novel in 30 days or wind up dead. To help him complete his manuscript he hires stenographer Emma (Kate Hudson). As Alex begins to dictate his tale of a romantic love triangle to the charming yet somewhat opinionated stenographer, Emma challenges his ideas at every turn. Her unsolicited yet intriguing input begins to inadvertently influence Alex and his story and soon real life begins to imitate art.For perhaps the first time in her career, Kate Hudson doesn't just imitate the twinkle of her mother, Goldie Hawn--and proves to be a winning romantic lead in her own right. Hudson plays Emma, a stenographer hired by a desperate writer named Alex (Luke Wilson, The Royal Tenenbaums, Legally Blonde), who has to finish a book in 30 days. Of course, a tentative romance blooms between them; but as Alex begins to interweave elements of his life into the love triangle of his novel--including a suspiciously Emma-esque character named Anna--Emma wonders if the novel's s! exy other woman has a real-life counterpart as well. Though Alex & Emma suffers from some bland, formulaic elements, it also features flashes of engaging wit. Hudson dampens her gleam, but because she's not working so hard to be adorable, a relaxed and more unique charm comes forth. --Bret FetzerThe BBC drama series adapted from Elizabeth Gaskell's classic novels of small town gossip, secrets and romance. 1842. Cranford, a market town in the North West of England, is a place governed by etiquette, custom and above all, an intricate network of ladies. It seems that life has always been conducted according to their social rules, but Cranford is on the cusp of change… For spinsters Deborah Jenkyns, the arbiter of correctness in Cranford, and Matty, her demurring sister, the town is a hub of intrigue - a handsome new doctor Frank Harrison from London has arrived; a retired Captain and his daughters have moved in to a house opposite and the preparations for Lady ! Ludlows garden party are underway. Everyone - from charming ro! gue Dr M arshland to mean Mrs Jamieson and her lap dog talks, and is talked about, behind closed doors. The town also has its secrets which it slowly reveals: Mattys encounter with an old flame at the garden party; Lady Ludlows gardener, Mr Carter, teaching a gypsy lad to read and write; the wild expectations of the May Day celebrations and - news that shakes the town when it is revealed - a railway line from Manchester is coming to Cranford.Adapted from Elizabeth Gaskell's novels, the five-episode miniseries Cranford focuses on female characters in the 19th-century British town to thematically contemplate encroaching modernity in rural England. With the camera roving house to house, each drama within the grander story is constructed of scenes featuring dialogue between several gossipy ladies obsessed with moral code, romantic ideas about courtship, and social occasions. Three main characters, the ever-appropriate Deborah Jenkyns (Eileen Atkins), her sweet sister, Matilda (Jud! i Dench), and their younger, more savvy relative, Miss Smith (Lisa Dillon), continuously weigh in on situations, providing a dependable view when other ladies, like the nosey Miss Pole (Imelda Staunton) are too judgmental. In fine period dress, the women of Cranford remind the viewer of how little action was needed in their small-town lives to provide unceasing entertainment. The series'most intriguing aspect lies not in the ample female conversation but rather in its display of earlier technologies and ways of life. Part One, for example, quickly launches a main narrative thread that runs throughout the series, namely the arrival and assimilation of London doctor, Frank Harrison (Simon Woods), into village society. Dr. Harrison's medical practices, such as his refusal to amputate a man's arm because it's broken, are all the more radical because they are so fundamental by today's standards. In subsequent episodes, he recommends Miss Smith get spectacles to cure her h! eadaches, and saves his love's life by cooling her fever after! conserv ative doctor, Dr. Morgan (John Bowe), recommends the old school practice of burying her in blankets in front of a raging fire. In Part Two, Lady Ludlow (Francesca Annis) throws a garden party at her estate, treating all the women in their fancy hats to a new novelty: ice cream. This scene foreshadows Ludlow's future concern at a railroad plan involving her land that would connect Cranford to Manchester, symbolizing the ruin of this idyllic setting.

In fact, fluffy and clever as some scenes are, death and rebirth assert themselves in each showing, both physically and idealistically. Part Four shows an auctioning off of a deceased man's antiques, and focuses on issues of class and women's education, as Mr. Carter teaches a peasant boy to read while his assistant fumes at her trappings as a seamstress. Part Five ushers in a new period of medical emergencies, securing Dr. Harrison's shaky position in town. In total, Cranford offers a powerful, if sentimental, look at h! ow death begets life, love, and passion. --Trinie Dalton

Everyone's Hero : Widescreen Edition

  • Widescreen
Ten-year-old baseball fanatic Yankee Irving (voiced by newcomer Jake T. Austin) is always the last one picked for sandlot baseball games. But when Babe Ruth's prized bat is stolen during the 1932 World Series, Yankee steps up to the plate to help retrieve it for his beloved idol. He embarks on a wild cross-country journey that teaches him the stuff real heroes are made of, and along the way, Yankee learns the importance of perseverance and the true meaning of friendship.

A talking baseball and a talking bat might not be the most likely characters to inspire a personal revelation about perseverance and self-esteem, but in Everyone's Hero it's just those two things that help young Yankee Irving (Jake T. Austin) overcome his reputation as a baseball loser and become a true American hero. A ten-year old spurned by the neighborhood kids because of his repeated strike-outs at ba! t, Yankee is at a point of personal crisis. A chance encounter with a talking foul ball named Screwie (Rob Reiner) and some time spent with his father (Mandy Patinkin), who's a janitor for the New York Yankees, gives Yankee cause for some serious reflection. When Babe Ruth's famous bat "Darlin'" (Whoopi Goldberg) is stolen by opposing teammate Lefty Maginnis (William H. Macy) and Yankee's father is fired as a result of the theft, it suddenly falls to Yankee and his new friend Screwie to find Darlin' and return her to Babe Ruth before the Chicago Cubs loose the final game of the World Series to the New York Yankees. The combined efforts of Screwie, Darlin', and new friend Marti Brewster (Raven-Symoné) aid Yankee in conquering his own self-doubt and infuse him with the self-confidence and strength to profoundly affect both his family and the entire baseball world. Produced by Christopher Reeve, this CGI animated presentation features a great cast of characters and voice tale! nt, and an important message about the power of perseverance. ! (Ages 5 and older) --Tami Horiuchi

Beyond Everyone's Hero

Everyone's Hero: The Movie Storybook (Paperback)

More Sports-Themed Family Films

Nothing is Impossible: Reflections on a New Life by Christopher Reeve

Stills from Everyone's Hero


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Bicentennial Man

  • Bicentennial Man follows the life and times of Andrew (Robin Williams), a robot programmed to perform menial tasks, but who displays uncharacteristically human emotions, curiosity and creativity. Andrew soon discovers what it truly means to be a human being with the help of Little Miss (Hallie Kate Eisenberg) and his understanding owner (Sam Neill). Andrew is no ordinary robot! System Requireme
From the acclaimed director of MRS. DOUBTFIRE, Academy Award(R)-winner Robin Williams (1997, Best Actor, GOOD WILL HUNTING) stars in a delightfully heartwarming comedy about one extraordinary android who just wants to be an ordinary guy! It doesn't take long for the Martin family to realize Andrew (Williams), who was purchased as a mere "household appliance," is no run-of-the-mill robot! Funny, incredibly lifelike, and possessing an astounding level of creativity, this special machine soon takes on a l! ife of his own -- and eventually begins a centuries-long quest to achieve true humanity! A crowd-pleasing comedy hit -- everyone is sure to love this touchingly entertaining movie treat!Bicentennial Man was stung at the 1999 box office, due no doubt in part to poor timing during a backlash against Robin Williams and his treacly performances in two other, then-recent releases, Jakob the Liar and Patch Adams. But this near-approximation of a science fiction epic, based on works by Isaac Asimov and directed, with uncharacteristic seriousness of purpose, by Chris Columbus (Mrs. Doubtfire), is much better than one would have known from the knee-jerk negativity and box-office indifference.

Williams plays Andrew, a robot programmed for domestic chores and sold to an upper-middle-class family, the Martins, in the year 2005. The family patriarch (Sam Neill) recognizes and encourages Andrew's uncommon characteristics, particularly his artis! tic streak, sensitivity to beauty, humor, and independence of! spirit. In so doing, he sets Williams's tin man on a two-century journey to become more human than most human beings.

As adapted by screenwriter Nicholas Kazan, the movie's scale is novelistic, though Columbus isn't the man to embrace with Spielbergian confidence its sweeping possibilities. Instead, the Home Alone director shakes off his familiar tendencies to pander and matures, finally, as a captivating storyteller. But what really makes this film matter is its undercurrent of deep yearning, the passion of Andrew as a convert to the human race and his willingness to sacrifice all to give and take love. Williams rises to an atypical challenge here as a futuristic Everyman, relying, perhaps for the first time, on his considerable iconic value to make the point that becoming human means becoming more like Robin Williams. Nothing wrong with that. --Tom Keogh

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A seductive young woman chooses the dangerous path of confronting the justice system and corporate power for the sake of her children, her passion for life, and her desire to be loved.

Kelly Jensen was only six years old when she witnessed her mother's murder, for which her father was wrongfully convicted. Moved from foster home to foster home, Kelly was exposed to abuse, neglect, and human trafficking. By ! age fifteen she was a runaway, combining her innate intelligence with street smarts to become a chameleon capable of losing herself in every character she impersonated. Beautiful and bewitching, Kelly used her talents to become the most notorious identity thief in the country.

Ruggedly handsome defense attorney Jake Brooks finds the enigmatic Kelly Jensen irresistible despite suspecting her of murdering his best friend from law school. His obsession leads him to risk his own illustrious career in Los Angeles to see that justice is served. Kelly finds him addictive. Together, the two uncover a sordid link among immoral foster care parents, high rollers in Vegas, politicians, and the legal system itself. Kelly ultimately takes fate into her own hands behind closed doors in the gray zone.

Decade of Fear is a darkly entertaining journey through the complicated, often bizarre world of national security since 9/11. On that night, Toronto Star journalist Michelle! Shephard watched the remains of New York’s World Trade ! Center f all from the sky, wondering what much of the world was asking: Â"Why?” So began a ten-year search for answers that took her through the streets of Mogadishu and Karachi, into the mountains of Waziristan and behind the wire of Guantanamo Bay two dozen times.

Shephard conducted hundreds of interviews worldwide, and with sharp insight and an appreciation for the absurd, she weaves together stories of warlords, presidents, spies, grieving widows and global terrorists, to describe the historic decade where often the West’s Â"solutions” for terrorism only served to exacerbate the problem. She cruises with former CIA bosses, runs alongside protestors in the streets of Sanaa to escape fire from Yemen’s security services during experience the Arab Spring, meets victims of terrorism who leave her devastated, and earns enough stamps on her Gitmo Starbucks card for a free latte. Gripping, heartbreaking and infuriating, Decade of Fear broadens our understandi! ng of a decade that was all too often described through panicked rhetoric.
Your iPhone 4 has become a big part of your life. With FaceTime video, retina display, multitasking, HD video recording and more - you have got a lot to lose. You will not find a tougher case than the OtterBox Defender Series for iPhone 4. Relax, we have got the iPhone 4 coveredYour iPhone 4 has become a big part of your life. With FaceTime video, retina display, multitasking, HD video recording and more - you have got a lot to lose. You will not find a tougher case than the OtterBox Defender Series for iPhone 4. Relax, we have got the iPhone 4 covered