- Fun novelty item for brides
- Hand out at weddings, receptions or bachelorette parties
- Booklet includes (8) different loving and humorous illustrated favors
Kindle blogs are fully downloaded onto your Kindle so you can read them even when you're not wirelessly connected. And unlike RSS readers which often only provide headlines, blogs on Kindle give you full text content and images, and are updated wirelessly throughout the day.Not sure what to get the bride at that wedding you're going to? Get her this booklet of fun novelty coupons that she'll put to good use. Unlike so many wedding gifts - that fancy glassware set you received, for instance - this will actually be used. Each of its eight pages has a different favor that the new bride ! will be entitled to from her husband, such as "breakfast in bed" and "30 minutes of uninterrupted pleasure in bed." Also a great gift at bachelorette parties or reception dinners.

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