- Dedication is a modern love story in which a misanthropic, emotionally complex children s book author named Henry is forced to team up with a beautiful illustrator after his best friend and creative collaborator passes away. As Henry struggles with letting go of the ghosts of love and life, he discovers that sometimes you have to take a gamble at life to find love. Format: DVD MOVIE Genre:&n
Dedication is a modern love story in which a misanthropic, emotionally complex childrenâs book author named Henry is forced to team up with a beautiful illustrator after his best friend and creative collaborator passes away. As Henry struggles with letting go of the ghosts of love and life, he discovers that sometimes you have to take a gamble at life to find love.At first glance, Justin Theroux's directorial debut looks like a romantic comedy, but it's really a character study. And misanthropic childr! en's book author Henry (Billy Crudup, who worked with Theroux in Broadway's
Three Sisters) is one heck of a character. For inspiration, he turns to the Japanese cult classic
Gamera. When feeling stressed, he piles books on his prone chest. Henry has worked with illustrator Rudy (Tom Wilkinson, Crudup's
Stage Beauty co-star) for 15 years when the unthinkable happens. Contractually obligated to produce another
Marty the Beaver adventure, his agent (Bob Balaban) partners him with doctoral-candidate-turned-artist Lucy (Mandy Moore). While Henry mourns his only friend, Lucy nurses a broken heart--her mother/landlord (Dianne Wiest) has just evicted her and her boyfriend/thesis advisor (Martin Freeman) has just dumped her. It's discomfort at first sight, but feelings soften as these wounded personalities learn to work--and heal--together. You can see the conclusion coming from a mile away, and Moore's character is underwritten (David Bromberg penned the! script), but Crudup makes what could be an indie film cliché! --the Ne w York neurotic--almost seem fresh. As for Theroux, a busy actor best known for his movies with David Lynch, like
Mulholland Drive, the first-timer has a sharp eye for the arresting image and a discriminating ear for the evocative tune--the soundtrack includes music by alternative rock favorites Deerhoof, Cat Power, and Joanna Newsom.
--Kathleen C. Fennessy