- Brutal hand-to-hand combat & explosive firepower
- Featuring a brand new campaign with Multiplayer (2-8 players) modes
- Stealth Mode abilities included
- Unique ?Capture Riddick?
- Complete with remake of the original Butcher Bay title
No matter how long or how hard they strive, no matter how extensive their education as a species, no matter what they experience of the small heavens and larger hells they create for themselves, it seems that humans are destined to see their technological accomplishments always exceed their ability to understand themselves.No matter how long or how hard they strive, no matter how extensive their education as a species, no matter what they experience of the small heavens and larger hells they create for themselves, it seems that humans are destined to see their technological accomplishments always exceed their ability to understand thems! elves.No matter how long or how hard they strive, no matter how extensive their education as a species, no matter what they experience of the small heavens and larger hells they create for themselves, it seems that humans are destined to see their technological accomplishments always exceed their ability to understand themselves.There is power in darkness.Product InformationIn the dark corners of outer space the predatory Merc-ship Dark Athena bidesits time waiting for its prey. But the ship's merciless crew has little ideawhat they're up against in the rugged and ruthless man known as Riddick. Getready for a journey into an intense and dangerous science fiction world as youassume the role of this enigmatic antihero relying on your stealth speed andstrategy to overcome the Dark Athena crew and do your best to cheat death.The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena is an action stealth FirstPerson Shooter set in the rich futuristic sci-fi world of the Riddick filmsaga.!  The game features a rich storyline intriguing developedchar! acters a nd the voice acting of Vin Diesel. The Chronicles of Riddick:Assault on Dark Athena follows up the story from the original game title asRiddick must now flee the Dark Athena following his harrowing escape from thenotorious Butcher Bay prison.  During the adventure Richard B.Riddick must escape the predatory Merc-ship Dark Athena using stealth and actionto overcome its merciless crew and challenge the nefarious Captain Revas.Be Riddick: The most ruthless criminal in the universe. Riddick hasbeen captured by the Dark Athena a mercenary ship hellbent on eliminating himonce and for all. Using his intense hand-to-hand combat skills explosivefirepower and lethal stealth. Riddick must shut down the maniacalCaptain Revas and her deadly crew. When Riddick steps into thedarkness no one is safe.Added BonusExperience the excitement of The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Baynow re-mastered and included as a bonus.Product Features Go deeper into the compelling sc! ience fiction universe depicted in the films The Chronicles of Riddick and Pitch Black Assume the role of the enigmatic antihero Riddick played in the films by Vin Diesel as you attempt to oReturn to the frenetic, edge-of-your-seat universe of the Chronicles of Riddick film series with The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena. In the title role played in the films by Vin Diesel, you'll fight your way through an environment filled with malevolence and horror. Take part in both range and melee combat in your attempt to escape the dark fate that awaits you, and don't hesitate to execute stealth kills and counterattacks. Become fully immersed in Riddick's world, which is rendered with cinematic and atmospheric intensity. And for the first time in the Riddick franchise you can participate in a variety of multiplayer and online options that let you share the adrenaline-pumping excitement with friends.

 Riddick is back View larger. |
Overcome predators View larger. |
 Multiple forms of combat View larger. |
The Story In the dark corners of outer space, the predatory Merc-ship Dark Athena bides its time, waiting for its prey. But the ship's merciless crew has little idea what they're up against in the rugged and ruthless man known as Riddick. Get ready for a journey into an intense and dangerous science fiction world as you assume the role of this enigmatic antihero, relying on your stealth, speed and strategy to overcome the Dark Athena crew and do your best to cheat death. Key Game Features: - Go deeper into the compelling science fiction universe depicted in the films The Chronicles of Riddick and Pitch Black
- Assume the role of the enigmatic antihero Riddick, played in the films by Vin Diesel, as you attempt to overcome ! the crew of the Merc-ship Dark Athena
- Employ multip! le forms of combat, including both ranged and melee, complete with counterattacks and stealth kills
- Shoot your way through Riddick's world, depicted with Hollywood-quality cinematic intensity
- Share the horror with friends in new multiplayer and online options, available for the first time in the Riddick franchise
- Experience the excitement of The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, now remastered and included as a bonus
The Return of Riddick The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena is a new, action stealth First Person Shooter set in the rich, futuristic, sci-fi world of the Riddick film saga. The game features a rich storyline, intriguing, developed characters, and the voice acting of Vin Diesel. The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena follows up the story from the original game title as Riddick must now flee the Dark Athena, following his harrowing escape from the notorious But! cher Bay prison.  During the adventure, Richard B. Riddick must escape the predatory Merc-ship Dark Athena using stealth and action to overcome its merciless crew and challenge the nefarious Captain Revas. The Chronicles of Riddick series of games takes the player deeper into the universe of Universal Pictures' films The Chronicles of Riddick and cult classic Pitch Black, which first introduced Vin Diesel as enigmatic anti-hero Riddick. The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena brings the hit first person shooter to a new audience and a new generation of consoles released on PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360® and Windows® PC. The action-packed game, a hiâ"definition re-imagined version of The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena features an entirely new chapter in the Riddick Saga and for the first time, intense online multiplayer combat. |